2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Bashar explains the Hidden Truth of Adam, Eve, and Lilith: ANUNNAKI ORIG...
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Bashar WHAT REALLY Happened in The Garden of Eden? | Channeled By Darryl...
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Darryl Anka Channeling Bashar | FORGETING PAST LIVES - How Lost Memory I...
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Bashar Explains: Truth Behind Power of Jesus and Satan
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NO GOING BACK: Bashar's Predictions & CRITICAL Galactic Events Coming in...
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Bashar Reveals: Was The Big Bang The Origin Of Our Universe? - Bashar (D...
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Channeling the Galactic Council of 9- Energy Update- Drones, Chaotic Dis...
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ATHENA Speaks! Channeler REVEALS a MAJOR AWAKENING Coming For REST of 20...
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Bashar Reveals: Why Your Soulmate Hasn’t Arrived Yet? - (Bashar Channele...
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Can GHOSTS DRAIN YOUR ENERGY? Bashar on Spirit Encounters and the meanin...
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Darryl Anka & Bashar: The Age of HOMO GALACTICUS | Earth's 30-Year Reset...
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Bashar 2024 - MOST Important Message
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Bashar Reveals: What Is The TRUE Origin And Purpose of Humanity? - Chann...
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Bashar Reveals: How Humanity Will Begin Open Contact With ET's? (Channe...
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Bashar Reveals: How Humanity Will Begin Open Contact With ET's? (Pt 2) -...
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Watch LIVE! Geoffrey Hoppe Channels Adamus Saint Germain
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Unlock the Secrets of the Universe: Bashar Channeling Explains the Big B...
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BASHAR Reveals 2024's GREATEST CHALLENGES: What Humanity Faces Now! | Da...
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Channelling Adamus Saint Germain: "The Rise of Humans 2.0" | Geoffrey Hoppe
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BASHAR: God's Will Isn't What You Think! – Darryl Anka Challenges Conven...
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Meryem Ana – İleriye Doğru
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Amerikanın değişimi ve dünyanın geri kalanına etkileri
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Yeshua / Sananda - Metaphysics of the Merlin - AI podcast review
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Where did Humanity come from? - KRYON
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Bashar Reveals: Was The Big Bang The Origin Of Our Universe? - Bashar (D...
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Why is the CORE of this planet acting weird? - KRYON
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STARBEINGS' URGENT Channeled Message To Mankind On The TRUTH of Who We A...
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Exclusive Interview with a Grey ET: "We Are Not What You Think!" The Tru...
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EXCLUSIVE: KRYON'S MIND-BLOWING Predictions for 2024/MANKIND's Future | ...
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BASHAR | Full Session | HUGE Changes | Bashar Darryl Anka
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Prepare YOURSELF: BASHAR'S URGENT Prediction for MANKIND; It'll HAPPEN i...
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BASHAR: THE Sacred Circuitry Gift |Darryl Anka Channeled Message |Daily...
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Solar Storms & Earth Rotation
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Ascended Master Speaks on 2024 Elections! A STRONG Message from Adamus S...
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Channeling the Galactic Council of 9- All About Pleiadians- Are They REA...
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ET's Are Here! KRYON Speaks on CHANNELED Predictions for 2023: Lee Carro...
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THE FUTURE OF THE OLD SOUL - Kryon Mystery Series
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Bashar Sedona Ascension Retreat 2024
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Bashar | The Nature of the Angelic Realm
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Astrology: A Hermetic Science // Channeled Message from The Three Guides
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Channeling the Galactic Council of 9- Q & A on Spring Equinox Timeline S...
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2024 yılında Türkiye'yi politik açıdan neler bekliyor? Öner Döşer yanıtladı
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Güneş tutulması sembolü hakkında güzel bir açılım
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