Temel dersler, bakara 214 -104 ve Tin 5 sembolik çözümü

İşte arcturus'tan gelen dostumuz anlatıyor, Şu günlerde geçirdiğimiz fırtınalı havanın manasını bizim için çözümlüyor ve sistemdeki yerimiz sorgulatıyor. Ben kimim? hizmetim neye? niçin buradayım sorularına cevap veriyor. Bilgi ulaşmak istedikten sonra her yerde. Ne demişler bir zamanlar

Yoksa siz, kendinizden önce yaşayanların başına gelenlerin, sizin de başınıza gelmedikçe, cennete gireceğinizi mi zannettiniz? Onlara (öyle) şiddetli belâ ve sıkıntılar (felâketler) dokundu ki, resûl ve onun yanındaki âmenû olanlar: “Allah’ın yardımı ne zaman?” diyecek kadar sarsıldılar. Allah’ın yardımı gerçekten yakın değil mi?

Bu durumda bağlantıları kurmak bizim elimizde. Çünkü maddeye enkarne olan ruhun delegesi şuurlu varlığın birinci görevi, kendisindeki bilginin şuuruna aktarılma işini bizzat üstlenmek. Yani sizin yerinize o işi yapacak biri yok. Havale yok, eft yok. Bir tek siz varsınız, sorumluluk alın.
 Ey âmenu olanlar! “Raina (bizi gözet)” demeyin. Ve “unzurna (bize bak)” deyin. Ve (Allah’ın hükmünü) dinleyin (işitin). Ve kâfirler için “elîm azap” vardır.

Aşağıların aşağısına indirildiniz ve bir sürü yardım istediniz ve verildi.
 Andolsun, insanı en güzel biçimde yaratırız. Sonra onu aşağıların aşağısına indiririz.

We are the Arcturians

Dear ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental.
There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when "accidents" or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the "train leaves the station".
Everyone is feeling the higher dimensional energies now pouring to earth with increasing intensity. These energies are serving to open mankind to a higher awareness that is empowering them to seek freedom of expression, self rule, and new ways of living, being, and governance. Most people as of yet do not fully understand why they are feeling these urges or why their thinking has changed so much on particular issues.
Mankind's increasing dissatisfaction with "business as usual", began when powerful and high resonating energies began to replace the old, and personal clearings began. The heart chakras of many have cleared or are in the process, and the high heart is opening for all who are receptive. The dissolution of old energy begins the moment an individual opens themselves to more.
As the heart begins to open, dense self created energetic walls of protection that were formed around it as the result of past and present experiences, begin to dissolve. This allows the heart's already present frequencies of love to flow forth, the result of which is often a whole new world view for the individual. The "new" person often does not even realize that anything has changed until he attempts to live as usual, and finds that he no longer resonates with much of it.
The majority as of yet do not understand why they are now feeling differently about so many issues. Everyone interprets both inner and outer change according to their attained state of consciousness (their present belief system). For some, inner changes are reflected fully in material, three dimensional ways like feeling the need to improve personal health, join a cause, or serve in some generally approved way.
Energetic change in the emotional body manifests as higher forms of emotional reaction, such as no longer becoming emotionally involved, attached, or blocked to the point of giving away personal power. At the same time there comes an underlying and gentle sense of love that begins to permeate all actions and decisions. Mentally, one's thinking and belief system begins to shift from self to universal.
You are seeing in the world the outer manifestations of increased heart energy even though much of it is still being interpreted in self serving ways. People are experiencing a "knowing" that everyone is entitled to what is necessary for healthy and happy living, not just the privileged few and are expressing their frustration as anger. Change, change, change, has become the mantra of the majority even though they do not fully understand why.
Because of incomplete understanding and an ignorance of the evolutionary process taking place at this time, some are choosing to simply resist all change, seeing it as a threat to their personal comfort and happiness. Others believe they must act to force change. Try to understand that everything is happening according to evolutionary plan, dear ones.
The Light of the higher dimensional energy is serving to expose world wide and personal creations built upon old and finished energy. Many of these exposed issues appear to be new simply because you were not aware of them before the light of evolution began to expose them. Many "houses of cards" are going to fall but will go kicking and screaming. Be not afraid dear ones, all is proceeding according to plan.
Evolution is an unfolding process that cannot be hurried, for it is you the people, who must bring about change through your own attainment of more Light which then in turn adds more Light to the consensus consciousness of the world. There is only One and thus every truth that becomes your state of consciousness serves to lift the whole.
Many still look to Light Beings or evolved extraterrestrials to "fix" the world, but because of free will, they cannot step in and do the work for you. These evolved beings can only guide and advise at this point but are willing, happy, and eager to do it, for they wish to see you move beyond what is old and finished as they themselves also had to do. Every particle of Light added to the whole, shifts it a little until at some point there will be more light than not.
It is important to support yourselves and others in these chaotic times, meaning that as you awaken to deeper understanding you still support other's rights to believe as they choose no matter how different from your belief system that may be. Understand that everyone is at a different place in their journey and your place may very well not be their place. Love is patient and allowing, but is never a doormat.
Energy is the substance of everything seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled in the physical world. The slower and heavier the energetic resonance, the more dense and material things seem. The physical expression of anything is always a mind formed interpretation of the spiritual reality or Divine Idea being seen as material. This is a spiritual universe, peopled with children of God, but which up to now has been seen and lived through false belief systems that are now dissolving.
Energy is everywhere you go and many of you are now sensing the resonance of people, places, and things more acutely. You will experience increasing sensitivity as your own energy becomes lighter and it becomes easier access and align with higher frequencies. Because of this, many of you are developing new psychic abilities or accessing old ones you had long ago.
Places that previously felt ordinary may now feel dense and heavy to you (bars, malls, slums, even books and films). You may find yourselves being drawn to seek out places that feel more light and refreshing (wilderness areas, heart centered homes or churches) .
Antique stores often hold a dense heaviness that comes from the old energy still held in objects from the past. Places, foods, people, and entertainments that previously resonated with you, no longer do. Let them go, for it simply means your resonance is no longer in alignment them no matter how familiar, enjoyable, or comfortable they were at one time.
If your work or life means you must be in the heavier energies, recognize them for what they are and not resisting, for resistance only gives something a power it does not have. Those of you who work with the physically, emotionally, or mentally troubled (nurses, doctors, psychologists, prison workers, and therapists) must remember to keep your energy fields and working space clear and filled with light. Clear through intention and Light between clients or as you go about your duties, never allowing yourself to align with whatever lower resonating energies may be present themselves.
Everyone occasionally finds themselves in the presence of those who are not living up to the highest standards and because your own energy field is now more receptive you may feel the other's energy more easily. Keep exchanges always on a level of compassion and not sympathy, because with sympathy you align with another's energy. Always, in every personal exchange at work or in daily living, pause to remember the true Divine Nature of the other no matter what the appearances.
Many accept intellectually that experiences are necessary for change, yet when these experiences actually occur they quickly revert back to questioning; "Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?" then proceed to seek only three dimensional solutions, using three dimensional tools, and seeing the situation as a third dimensional problem. Every serious student of truth must accept that they and the world are quickly evolving and things will never again be as they were in the "good old days".
The higher dimensional energy pouring onto the earth right now is effecting everyone, not just those aware of it. Many are experiencing a variety of "ascension symptoms"--dizziness, headache, nausea, and extreme fatigue etc. A good sign that something is ascension related and not a serious health issue is that ascension symptoms tend to come and go. One day you may be too exhausted to put one foot in front of the other, but on the next day you feel great.
Take naps or rest periods as best you can throughout the day when needed and try not to maintain some heavy duty active schedule that may of worked for you in your former state of consciousness.
Allow the process, trusting that you are right where you need to be and experiencing exactly what you need for the clearing, resolving remaining karma, and integration of any higher resonating energies of Light you are ready for. Many are choosing to leave both in groups and individually at this time. Honor the choices of others whatever they may be, for all is a part of each soul's journey of awakening.
We are the Arcturian Group 6/26/16

Enhancing Your Connections with Self and Others by the Andromedans

June 10th
It is with love, truth and blessings, we the Andromedans come forth to greet you. The love we share to you is not greater than any other love within the universe of the Creator; it is simply an expression of the Creator. We love you deeply and wish you to know within your mind and heart that we are present to support you in your present and coming stages of ascension.
A question you might wish to ask yourself when connecting with all different types of souls and beings of the Earthly reality and the inner planes reality could be, ‘Am I allowing myself to recognise the true source and essence within each being, connection and experience?’ This question invites you to realise that there are so many levels of connection and communication. When you connect with a soul/ person you may only allow yourself to connect on a superficial level because of inner fears of receiving the Creator or a feeling of being unworthy. You may find yourself distracted by the reactions of your mind, emotions and personality when creating and recognising connections with others or even the Creator. The question we have shared with you encourages you to contemplate what a true connection or a source to source experience is, why it is important and what stops you from recognising the true essence of the Creator in all souls, situations and experiences.
Giving yourself time to explore inwardly while holding a focus of recognising the source or essence of everything around you especially connections and in communication, will give you the opportunity to know yourself more fully. It is your divine right to experience a connection with all aspects of the Creator and to recognise yourself as a valuable aspect of the Creator. It is also your divine right to be in constant communication with the Creator; this can take place through the diverse aspects of the Creator such as flowers, Goddess Beings, Ascended Masters, family members, Star Beings, in truth anything that holds and resonates as the Creator’s vibration. The more you seek a divine and sacred connection and communication with all aspects of the Creator the more you will realise what is hindering your natural existence as the Creator. It is often fear or feelings of being unworthy which disable you from fully connecting with the Creator in every experience and person. Alternatively, maybe there is simply a need to develop and practice recognising the essence and source of the Creator within all.
Allow yourself time in your reality to recognise how deeply you permit yourself to connect with another soul. Realise whether you connect on an emotional, mental, spiritual or soul level. Realise if you are willing to see only the negative or positive aspects of the soul or whether you wish to know their true essence; their Creator essence.
When you connect with the Creator essence within a soul, situation or experience you allow yourself to realise and connect with all levels of energy, in doing so you can let these go which allows you the space and freedom free from attachment or reaction to acknowledge the truth and essence of the Creator. The Creator’s truth and essence are within everything. You will know when you are connecting with another person or situation’s Creator essence because you will feel your inner Creator essence be magnified, shimmering and filling your entire being with blissful sensations and light. Recognising the Creator in another magnifies the Creator within you. Your communication with the Creator will enhance and develop to the point that you will experience a divine powerful message and confirmation of truth with each true essence connection you make. Whether the other person realises or not, or even if you are connecting with the energy of a situation the messages you receive from the Creator will be awe inspiring.
Imagine if you were in constant communication with Creator in your daily reality through a cat you see beside a house, a stranger that passes you on the street, a newly blossomed flower in your garden or a person or situation which you are currently finding challenging. Imagine if you were in the practice of looking, sensing, acknowledging the divine essence within, accepting the personality and all levels of the being or situation while letting them go to embrace the truth in an instant. You would understand the purpose, meaning and reason for every person present in your life and every situation. To you, it might feel like a fast track because the actions and reactions of the person, yourself or connected to a situation would just seem superficial and unimportant. An example of this is, you may experience a negative person entering into your reality. This person creates numerous unpleasant reactions within your mind, emotions and maybe even spirit. You might become engrossed in the reactions within you and the actions of the other, losing yourself and feeling confused. If you have the intention and focus of seeing, sensing and acknowledging the true essence and source within the person, then you may still experience your own inner reactions and their actions, however, you would be able to let go of these maybe instantly, connecting with the truth of the person. It will actually be your truth reaching out to connect with their truth or Creator essence. It only needs to be an intention. In that moment, any unpleasant energies would fall away, and you would understand the reason, purpose and message the person or divine essence before you wished to share. You will also be able to recognise that the message is directly from your soul and the Creator to support your ascension, the person before you is present simply to reflect the truth within your being so that you can be the witness. The message or understanding may not be to do the unpleasantness of the person; that was simply to catch your attention. Although the message may not seem profound, it will be deeply moving and meaningful. It may offer guidance such as to love yourself, to release anger, to ground yourself and so forth. You may glimpse a deeper understanding of the Creator or receive a healing vibration. The universe and Creator are miraculous and will guide you accordingly if you open yourself to receive and connect, seeking truth in every moment of your reality.
There is so much to discover, everything that you recognise concerning the Creator will be born from within your being, everything you seek will always be within you. When you realise that everything you need and require whether at a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual level is within you this creates a powerful acceptance and acknowledgement of yourself. Then you are able to look outside of yourself realising that you are not seeking answer or validation, you are seeking reflections of yourself. This means that you never give your power away to others, in fact, you will experience the complete opposite as you will be constantly empowering yourself and others as well.
While you can be conscious of recognising the Creator essence within every person or situation as if you are looking beyond their current manifestation into the truth of their soul, you can also practice and affirm this process in your own time so it becomes a positive pattern in your reality.
Allow yourself to gain a deep meditative state, through breathing deeply and relaxing your body. Take the attention of your mind and third eye to the presence of your soul within your heart chakra.
Repeat out loud until you can sense and feel the meaning of the words as if they are present within you: ‘I permit myself to see, sense and acknowledge beyond the physical reality to recognise the truth essence of the Creator.’
Breathe deeply and experience the energy forming within you from your intention.
Repeat out loud until you can sense and feel the meaning of the words as if they are present within you: ‘I choose to connect with and embrace the truth essence of the Creator within every person and situation.’
Breathe deeply and think of people you know or if there is someone you wish to connect with on a deeper level or wish to resolve a problem with, think of them, even a situation. Imagine, sense or acknowledge yourself gazing through all they are into the truth within.
Repeat out loud until you can sense and feel the meaning of the words as if they are present within you: ‘I trust in the truth essence of the Creator within every person and situation as I recognise it to be a reflection of my truth.’
Breathe deeply and when you are ready bring your intention back to your soul, experience the growing energy in your soul.
Repeat out loud until you can sense and feel the meaning of the words as if they are present within you: ‘I acknowledge and gratefully receive the wisdom, guidance, healing and empowerment which flows forth to me from the truth essence of the Creator.’
Breathe deeply, sit peacefully and receive any insights which may align with you or be shared.
Repeat out loud until you can sense and feel the meaning of the words as if they are present within you: ‘I honour the truth within me and the guidance it shares through my being. I honour the reflection of my truth in others and situations, thank you.’
Breathe deeply and ground yourself, coming back into your reality when you are ready.
After practicing the meditation, when you then move through your daily life, you will discover that a connection with another’s Creator essence will simply occur and all you will need to do is be observant and aware of that which unfolds.
It is time to see the truth within and all around you.
With eternal love and always truth,

JUSTICE: A Facet of Divine Consciousness

OCTOBER 9, 2016
Greetings dear ones. We come in the Light of a new day and meet you in that place.
Do not expect anything to continue as you have known it in the past. This is because the material world you are familiar with was formed from the energy of beliefs that no longer exist. Be open to and embrace change instead of resisting it, for nothing real is ever lost and ideas based in truth (reality) will always reappear in new and higher forms of expression when needed.
The Arcturian group wishes to speak of justice which in reality is a spiritual idea, a facet of Divine Consciousness the concepts of which are now shifting into higher expression.
In a three dimensional world--one based in duality and separation, justice is commonly thought of as an "eye for an eye" and many religious belief systems still teach this concept using the bible for their reference. What is often ignored is that this quote is from the old testament of the bible, written long ago for the unenlightened consciousness of those times.
There is truth hidden in many of the stories for those who read them with "eyes to see, and ears to hear" but most still interpret them literally. The concept of and "eye for an eye" was supposed to have been moved beyond when the master Jesus taught; "I come to bring a new testament" but the people of those times and even now, were not yet ready to embrace this.
Justice is a balance of energy. Since there is only One Energy, that One always seeks to align with Itself (come into oneness) and is experienced as fairness within a world that does not yet know about Oneness. It often manifests through what the metaphysical world calls Karma, which is a balancing of energies and not the punishment or revenge that many believe it to be.
Karma is the experiencing of energy formed and held through ignorance by an individual, and often carried over lifetimes until the person is spiritually ready to experience and learn from their creations. Karma has been a part of every souls' learning journey--up to now
Karma becomes irrelevant once you have evolved beyond that state of consciousness. Let go of any concepts about karmic retribution you may still hold for yourself, for you are now able to clear, balance, and resolve issues on a higher level, through your attained consciousness of truth.
Moving into a higher sense of justice often presents a dilemma for serious students of truth trying to "do the right thing". In their zeal to be open and spiritual, and believing that they are practicing unconditional love, they often end up ignoring or "sweeping under the rug" activities that need to be brought to light for the good of all involved.
True justice means helping another in ways that their attained state of consciousness can relate to (which can be anything from prison, probation, or just a good lecture). It does no good to quote the bible or, speak of the innate value of personal rights, if the individual's consciousness is simply unable to align with that approach.
Justice is a spiritual activity, a facet of everyone's daily life and not limited to the law and courts. Teachers, parents, family, and friends all experience opportunities to practice justice from the smallest of events to the most profound.
Justice in today's world remains for many, an acceptable excuse for revenge, hatred, anger, etc. However, world consciousness is quickly opening to the understanding that everyone is connected and that what you do, see, believe about another, you do, see, and believe about yourself. This is why you are witnessing intense clashes between an old belief system struggling to remain in power and the new consciousness that values all within the One. Never fear for one with God is the majority.
Justice is unconditional love expressed according to the need of the individual. There cannot be a "one size fits all" within the higher sense of justice, and as evolving souls you must come to understand and accept justice in ways that reflect this. Justice seen simply as punishment reflects duality and separation, but justice seen as an opportunity to help another grow beyond their present state of consciousness reflects the new and more evolved awareness.
When you observe others suffering, the temptation is to wish revenge upon those causing it. The belief in separation remains strong having been a part of everyone's belief system for many lifetimes. When you experience these negative emotions, try not to push them away in an effort to bury, deny, resist them, but simply acknowledge them as a part of who you are at this time. then...
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Without self judgement or criticism examine and begin to shift your belief system--"What beliefs am I still holding about others? Are these beliefs truth in the Light of what I now know and profess to hold as truth?", After honest examination simply move on about your day, not giving any lingering old concepts and beliefs a power they do not have.
Again, we must emphasize that certain individuals do need to be removed from society and very firm actions may constitute appropriate and loving action for them. The un-evolved state of consciousness, one functioning fully in third dimensional energy, is simply not yet able to grasp the concept of oneness. Solutions are provided at all levels of consciousness because solutions are actually the material sense of Divine completeness.
Those in positions of dispensing justice who have attained a consciousness of true justice, are able to recognize (they are often not aware of this) the true essence of every person who comes before them, and are then intuitively guided as to what that individual requires for learning and growth. The punishment then reflects as best it can what is most appropriate and will flow with higher energies.
At this time, the whole of the three dimensional belief system is shifting--old ideas are being let go and new ones are being accepted, known, and practiced from perspectives never before considered. Some are unable to accept a higher sense of justice and for them there is confusion and conflict for they are as of yet unable to separate justice from punishment and revenge. Justice, like all Divine Ideas, must be understood in its deeper sense if an individual is to spiritually evolve.
The higher sense of justice is one that assists another to learn, grow, and evolve from his actions. It involves creating situations in which a person can begin to open his heart to love for him/herself as well as others through methods not based in self loathing but in ways that assist the person to see a bigger picture.
An example of a simple idea that reflects the higher sense of justice can be seen in the those prisons that bring in homeless shelter dogs for care and training by inmates. For many them this is the first time they have ever experienced unconditional love. They must first experience and understand what love is before they can begin to live and practice it themselves. This type of program is a good example of how the energies of Light flow in a practical ways according to what is needed, helping to shift those receptive into a new place, and opening them to the idea that perhaps after all they are loveable.
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Lack of self love and acceptance is the root of almost all crime and violence. Individuals taught to believe that they are "less than" or unlovable, or who carry these energies in cellular memory lash out to all around them physically, emotionally, and mentally in an effort to prove that they are worthy of respect. They pass this energy to their children and it continues from generation to generation. There are also those who believe that they have all the right answers about God and life and that it is their duty to force these beliefs on others--simply another attempt to prove that they are worthy of respect.
As with all facets of life on earth, love is the only solution--not some emotional, melodramatic concept of love, but real unconditional love which is nothing more than the conscious realization of Divinity as the true essence of every living thing. Continually practiced, this awareness gradually becomes your attained state of consciousness allowing you to easily recognize the Light within every person--even those deemed unworthy of love by society.
Vote for judges who have attained a consciousness of mercy and uphold the spirit of the law versus the letter of it. Support those in law and order who do their work with an open heart, even when strength or force is needed. Try not to automatically condemn those working to make the world a safer place for you, putting them all into the same category because of the actions of an un-awakened few.
This is the new consciousness and is what you have worked so hard to bring about. Some expected the new energies to mean they could sit back and enjoy life with no problems or bad guys or change, while maintaining their comfortable belief system. You have discovered instead that you have become the workers and the ones most often catching heat for honoring changes that a majority may not like. Stay brave and trust that you are doing exactly what you as an evolved soul came to do.
As you allow each day be new and fresh, letting go of any concepts of how things "should be" you will quickly begin to have experiences that are totally new and will soon find yourselves in peace, joy, wholeness, and abundance in spite of what may be going on around you because you have attained a consciousness that knows those things are the reality.
We are the Arcturian Group


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