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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

You are almost free! The debtor cloud is to be removed forever! Glory be! You are in the process of becoming truly free. Money to enrich your lives is being readied to flow.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
12 Ix, 17 Tzotz, 13 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! What is to be expected often takes longer than first estimated. The dying American regime goes out, sabre-rattling at a most undaunted clip. This nonsense seems scary to the uninitiated. In reality, it is no more than a method designed to make Russia the appointed scapegoat. The US Military is engaged in nefarious operations in Syria and Iraq. Because these things backfired badly on the US, it, like an old magician, needed to use sleight-of-hand tricks to lead a campaign to isolate Russia and force its way into the sad situation in Syria. It is yet more bravado by this crumbling illegal regime. It has, in reality, lost its legitimacy with most of the world's nations. It is losing its positions within the UN and the IMF. All that is left when this all plays out is for the NESARA Republic to be formally declared! We have drawn up a timetable that is to be carried out swiftly and adroitly. There is to be a time of great silence and a quiet determination to succeed. Then, its mandate is to appear like a sudden storm and the madness of this old crazed regime is to end. All at once, a wondrous time is to manifest and be cheered by all humanity.
We have watched the de facto American government ever since the present cycles of payouts commenced early this past month. The degree of uneasiness increases every time these payout cycles move forward. The same is true of its largely discredited diplomacy. This constant sabre-rattling is proving again and again to be unsuccessful. Instead, it is coerced into doing things that, in former times, it was easy for it to achieve. These increasingly false ways have largely caused those in the know in the Middle East and Afghanistan to ignore whatever the US demands. This process is leaving the USA, Inc. isolated and ignored. The domestic scandals that swirl around this regime are yet another factor to cause their quick demise. We are closely monitoring these horrendous events and can clearly see the importance of this now-fledgling republic to the new reality. Many events are beginning to manifest and the final push to oust this corrupt governance is close to being revealed!
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This process of change has proven to be more difficult to carry out than was imagined. This reality existed under the thumb of the Anunnaki for millennia. The Anunnaki terminated their rule with the declaration by the Anchara continuum. This event was supposed to be the signal for the dark to vacate this realm. Instead, it became the time when the minions thought that their rule was to end the decrees imposed by Heaven when the Anunnaki first came to power here some 13 millennia ago. This defiance, which has lasted about two decades, is nearing its end. Our time here has thus been to direct and protect those who had resources but were unable to finish their assigned tasks. Having gained their trust, we launched an operation that has put us at the very edge of contact. The new governments have agreed to end a decades-long cover-up that has delayed our formal announcements. We intend to use this coming time to clarify our mission to Gaia and explain why Heaven wishes to return you to full consciousness. These communications are to be the true forerunners of our contact with you!
Before contact, you are to meet your Agarthan cousins and learn much from them! They are very anxious to meet you. It is in Agartha that the crystal cities of your redemption are located. In addition, you are to receive a few lessons from your Ascended Masters. These lessons are to set the stage for what your mentors are to tell you. Meanwhile, enjoy these concluding times in this old, dark reality. It has created a world that all of you are most used to. Shortly, you are to enter a realm filled with new realities, as well as a growing prosperity and a chance to fulfill your most desired dreams. Then, you are to meet us and learn things that initially may seem odd to you. The Anunnaki spent a great deal of their time boxing you in to a realm that made you easy to control. In reality, this world is a place that was mistakenly created. It need not ever have been. Enjoy this time and know in fact what a truly wonderful and fantastic new reality is just around the corner! Hooray! Hooray!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! You are almost free! The debtor cloud is to be removed forever! Glory be! You are in the process of becoming truly free. Money to enrich your lives is being readied to flow. The Light has fully vanquished the minions of the dark. What is occurring is a miracle from the Heavens. The rigid reality of the past is no more. Let the wondrous bells ring. The events of the last few days are witness to a way that you are reconnecting to who you truly are. We Masters are joyous in our thoughts. Long ago, we were sent on a mission to soothe and console humanity. We were also told of this day. In our estimation, it is a time that took too long to arrive. Generations of humanity have perished in pain and suffering. Hosanna for the endless mercy and grace of Heaven! Your wondrous visions are manifested. The plans of the dark to bring destruction upon your last drops of Light are gone! You are to be transformed into golden fully conscious wayshowers of the Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
This joy is part of a process that is now underway. You have cause to celebrate. The dark lords that ran this planet had reason to depart when the dark Anchara continuum declared that a grand union of Light and dark began in the mid-1990s. This galactic peace only awaited the entry of surface humanity to become permanent. This took another two decades to achieve. The final triumph of the forces of the Light had to use guilt and overwhelming might to finally force the dark minions to their collective knees. Let us praise these noble warriors for their feats. These blessed Souls were ready to do what was necessary to complete their goals. This new reality with its freedom and prosperity is a dream come true. In this glorious mix, we cannot leave any of you out. Your collective vision and wondrous actions have also made everything possible.
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This great project of the Light started in the 1970s with the near destruction of your Sun. It was a sign of just how desperate the dark had become. This act showed everyone that a sacred intervention was imminent. It began with the divine mission of the Sirians and entered a new phase with the advent of the Galactic Federation fleet in the early 1990s. We Masters were ecstatic. Our prayers were being answered in a big way. It meant as well that your conscious growth was about to accelerate and that the long dark night that had lasted for millennia was nearly over. All of us were to enter a time that was to culminate in your return to full consciousness. We gladly thanked and blessed Heaven for its wondrous deeds. Your growth led to collective visions and a changing set of perceptions about the altering state of your reality. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our weekly report. We thank all who have brought this reality to its time of great success. We further thank Heaven for all that it has done to answer the long call of surface humanity. A moment of great prayer has been answered! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik
Selamat Jarin! Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been forced to wait for the proper time in which to strike. At present, the dark and its main minions associated with the regime known as USA, Inc. have been given a certain degree of leeway. This has allowed them to engage in some skullduggery on a global scale. The Light is prepared to conclude this odd part of your history. The dark believes that the Light is incapable of launching the type of massive counterattack required to put a quick end to their shenanigans. Meanwhile, our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to do exactly that. In our case, it is to be surreptitious, which is covered by the joint actions of a number of friendly military forces. These joint actions have previously been able to limit the reach of the dark’s sponsored terrorist forces. The aim is to eventually cut off and finally debilitate those dark elements that seek to maintain instability in some areas on your globe. Meanwhile, the Light is readying its attacks that are to finally take down USA, Inc. and its numerous allies.
The funds that have been carefully secured and properly registered are now ready to be delivered to you at the right moment. These projects have taken much longer than were previously anticipated. The dark’s degree of infiltration of the banks and their many associated elements were in fact much greater than at first surmised by our earthly allies. Nevertheless, these previous roadblocks are handled and this makes it possible to do many things. It is essential that NESARA governance be instituted and able to become the strong sentinel for a number of important projects. The first is to completely reform the misused and highly corrupted US government. This quiet revolution ends the evil influence of this dark governance to maintain war and conflict in key parts of your globe, namely the Middle East and Latin America! We are then also to be able to introduce global stability and prosperity. Along with this, there is the end to the global UFO cover-up. This can permit us to be able to talk directly to you about first contact and our mentoring program.
The dark has long believed that we did not fully appreciate how vast and deep was the inculcation of humanity by the dark Anunnaki before their demise in the mid-1990s. We were instructed by our new allies on just these points before the Treaty of Anchara took place in the mid-1990s. We knew firsthand how deeply into your psyche their propaganda had gone. The first thing was to work with both Heaven and our new associates to begin to counteract what for millennia had been put into each newborn’s head and mind. The new starseeds being born were slowly contradicting these dark “norms.” In addition, many were beginning to instruct humanity about what this evil propaganda implied and why it was wrong. This led to a series of brave law-suits and other means to alter this accumulated nonsense and exchange it for a truer and more viable reality. It is these wondrous projects that now enable you to replace USA, Inc and create a new financial system that can work side by side with your new prosperity.
Our desire is thus to bring to a conclusion a set of false beliefs that have made it possible for the dark and its minions to control you for nearly 13 millennia. The key to this is the vast growth in your consciousness. This one element has made you more able to support the Light and its numerous actions to end the power of the dark and its minions on this surface realm. This point has become the primary action. Permitting the NESARA governance to come to power is truly essential to our success. On this matter, we have sent out our liaisons to confer daily with our allies and put together a jointly sponsored action that is now on the very verge of success. A number of actions are taking place that promise us the much-desired point of final success. The dark has been a most elusive enemy. It has created delays that we initially believed impossible. This latent resilience has been factored into our strategy. We intend to announce shortly that we have succeeded. With that under control, we can secure this realm for the much-needed lessons of your Ascended Masters!
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Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The world, as you now know it, is changing. This positive alteration is due to the great set of visions that you have held collectively with us. We are quite proud of the degree of focus that many of you have retained over the past few months. These energies demonstrate what Heaven had in mind when this whole process began in the early 1990s. You have discovered your powers and use them to aid our mutual cause. In the past month, many more have started to show this same resolve. These operations demonstrate just how powerful you are becoming, as you use your abilities and work to bring these wondrous meditations to the fore. They are greatly helping each of us Masters to increase the change that is coming to this reality. The dark, too, has noticed you and is more and more realizing that its many desires are now beyond redemption. The end of these millennia is now in sight! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Each of you is a joy to our collective hearts. We realize how far you have come in these past two decades! You are on a road to success that is to bring you to a return to full consciousness. This process has taken a lot less time than initially envisioned by our associates. Hence, it is wise to inform you of these changes and to ask you to continue to go within, focus and use your visualizations to accelerate your progress. You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. As you know, your heart is a vast electrical center that in many cases rivals your brain. This process is to continue as you take on changes to your brain’s chakras and to your heart. These are to celebrate your new-found potential and better prepare you to meet your galactic mentors.
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These changes are to be combined with new knowledge that we are destined to impart. Long ago a series of heinous experiments in Atlantis left your ancestors suddenly adrift in amnesia. Everything that you thought you knew suddenly seemed beyond your grasp. Our task is shortly to remind you of what your ancestors lost and to show you how to regain it. Then there is the process of reunion with your cousins, the Agarthans. You are close to meeting them and are to go to Agartha with your mentors and your heavenly guardians and use your Crystal Light Chambers to finish your return to full consciousness. We look forward in glee to your joining us in a final conference to set up a new star nation and go forth with sacred missions given to us all by Heaven’s divine grace!
Today, we continued our report on what is occurring around this globe. Much progress is being made to set up your prosperity and create NESARA governance. We fully expect this coming time to be one that can finally mirror what we have told you previously. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO & GF

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Around us are great deeds of Light that are transforming this dark realm into one of Light. These times are thus the old glorious prophecies being born to ready you for the Age of your Galactic Humanhood!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
5 Manik, 10 Tzotz, 13 Caban
Dratzo! Those who know the history of this old republic (US) rejoice that this new version is so securely involved in NESARA. Back in the era following the American Civil War, Congress had passed a Washington, D.C. reformation act. This legislation became the cover for the minions’ final deception: USA, Inc. This corporate lie was permitted to rule America and encourage a form of dishonesty that made a firm mockery of this nation’s bold origins. This vile deceit led to an upsurge in stealing, and in heinous organizations like the Federal Reserve and the IRS. It led, also, to a position in the dark’s hierarchy never conceived of when America was first born. This nation became the forerunner of an evil that was only multiplied as the 20th century advanced from the end of the Second World War to the advent of the 21st Century. The start of this century again demonstrated the boldness of this illegal governance with the shock of 9/11 and the sudden rise in wars that quickly followed. The USA had become the henchman for a clique of aristocrats that were fully intent on ruling and decimating this globe. It is only a bold gathering of the Light that has diligently worked to stop them!
This magnificent assemblage at last brought back a degree of sanity. It allowed as well for a special coalition of military and civilians to resurrect NESARA and bring down the huge monster that USA, Inc had become. It is this growth of a broad-based international partnership that gave the American group the means to swiftly move forward with their strategies to replace this vile regime. This process had originally come from the way NESARA was first passed into law in the early 2000s. This operation had been somewhat waylaid by the endless Middle Eastern wars that sprang up between 2003 and 2011. In the mid-2010s, this operation was revived, leading to the project to firmly install NESARA governance. The rise of this new institution is to be part of a worldwide movement to establish new financial and governmental institutions that encourage global prosperity and end governmental corruption. This process is now systematically coming online and letting the world’s population breathe easier. There are several additional benefits as well.
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This growing reality is truly about peace, freedom and prosperity. No longer will America have to worry about the evils of the income tax. Americans are also to be rewarded through a jubilee that is to permit all to know that a number of fraudulent loans for housing, cars and the like are to be forgiven. America is thus to be free from debt and all that it brings. It is to be an era in which Americans can begin to be proud again of their government, and to know the incredible things this shift in the world is to bring. All the foreign bases are to be closed as America is finally able to enjoy a peace that its ancestors long enjoyed. It is to be a time when a search for excellence in all things is to return. The rights given by the Constitution are to be fully restored and many people are to be freed from prisons for crimes no longer to be endured. This is to be a happy time for America. The long “little wars” are to end. It is to be a period in which the government again responds to the people and all works well again. It is to be a time of freedom and prosperity!
Not only is a great era of peace, freedom and prosperity on the horizon, but it is to be, moreover, a point at which disclosure can happen. We have worked long through our liaisons to create an atmosphere conducive to numerous official announcements, which can introduce us to you. Since the end of World War II, a conspiracy by the dark minions has existed to deny that we exist. This nonsense was prevalent in the media and movies of the era. We were portrayed as dark, with an agenda for invasion and world domination. This is far from the truth. As part of our heavenly mission, we have undertaken the initiative to aid the Light in your world. Our galactic initiatives derive from the special mission given us more than two decades ago by Heaven’s decrees. Each of you is to be returned to full consciousness. This leads us to yet another disclosure that was long denied by your governments: Agartha! Our arrival is not only to ready you for your destiny, but also to introduce you to your cousins, the Agarthans. You are beginning to grab hold of a most marvelous future!
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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in joy, knowing that new governance is destined to be the law of the land. This carrying out of NESARA is just the beginning of a number of changes that are to alter how America is now seen in the world. At the time of American Independence, we Masters supported and helped this young nation be born. America was meant to be a working prototype for what this globe strongly requires. It was to be a nation whose actions ran counter to those of Europe. This belief was sadly short-circuited by the unfortunate policies of the American regimes that followed the end of America’s most tragic Civil War. The dark lords of money and position took over America’s noble purpose and derailed it. Now, thanks to your shining visions and grace-filled focus, this great nation is to be reborn. Glory be to all concerned!
The events that are to follow are to show the magnificent power of your collective energies and the miracles that are being accomplished by Heaven. From our gracious hearts, we thank the marvelous works achieved by you and by Heaven. This time is to be known by the great things that you are to do collectively. We are also grateful for Heaven's decree that permitted our space and spiritual families to help. When all is done, you are each to achieve your deepest dreams, and this realm is to finally let go of the dark shackles that have for too long been the regret of any day. This new age of freedom and prosperity is, in part, your wondrous work. We fully commend all of you for your constant work and never-ending hope. Be gracious and, with good will, lend your aid to Gaia and her diverse Eco systems. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
All of these glories are to be yours. Do not lose hope. See what is unfolding as a great gift bestowed by Heaven. Thousands of years ago, a great Light was reflected around this world. Since then, it has reverberated repeatedly. It is now able to materialize and – voilà – this new age of wonders is born. You have the gracious opportunity to know it again. This is also a time when We Masters are to explain your true history. Take this in and comprehend its magnificence. Long-hidden inventions and knowledge are to appear. You are to end the long years of frustrations about your Life, your Loves and your Reality. Let this new exchange of energies become one with you and then simply rejoice. This odd, dark realm is ending. Heaven and a vast throng of Angels and guardians are transforming it. Be One in Love!
Today, we continued our weekly reports! Around us are great deeds of Light that are transforming this dark realm into one of Light. These times are thus the old glorious prophecies being born to ready you for the Age of your Galactic Humanhood! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO & GF


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