11:11 yani kasım ayı enerji tesir kapısı

Gelen tesirler içinde bulunduğumuz alanları ne şekilde şekillendiriyor. Yazılanların tarihine bakmayın çünkü fikir zamansızdır. Fikir zamansızlık içinden asenkron olarak bireyler tarafından çekilip geliştirilir daha sonra tekrar yerine konur ve bir başkası çeker. Bu ürün geliştirme böyle devam eder gider. Bu bilgilerin biraz gecikmeli olmasının nedeni yaşanan olayları gözünüzün önüne getirin ve tekrar bu bilgiye bakarak kıyas yapın, bakalım neler göreceksiniz. Yazılanları ingilizce olması sizi kandırmasın, çünkü iletişim kanalından soru sorabilirsiniz.


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Since 2012 Gaia has been aligned with the Galactic equator of the Milky Way Galaxy which is streaming into our geo-magnetic field energy waves of very high frequency photon light. As many of you know, photons are the particles of our universe that carry consciousness. This ever-increasing Photon Particle Wave is bringing a new awareness that was not present before. It comes in the quiet moments of stillness, within the pause of our breath, in the continual tempo of our heartbeat, and in the Still Point standing wave of Singularity in our Universe – it is forming a bridge between the collapsing world of polarity/duality and the growing 5th Dimensional New Earth.

Return of the Trinity of Sacred Union

In ancient mythology the sacred geometry of 11:11 represents the masculine and feminine circuitry linked in eternal connection! The sacred event of 11:11 ushers in the reunification of the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine with Divine Source – forming the Three Fold Flame or Trinity of Sacred Union!

US Election Tipping Point

The US Election is the perfect storm to awaken the population to the corrupt regime of the Patriarchal system. All shadow must be exposed in the Light of Truth in order to transcend it. America’s ‘shadow work’ has just begun… Your role as a Light Bearer is to continue to reveal all shadow for healing and transformation. Flow in LOVE!
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Please be careful to not engage in the polarized election battle, this will pull you back into the Matrix. “Us against them” is a polarized mind-set. Fear is a symptom of Soul disconnection and disempowerment. If you are feeling fear today, take a moment to connect to the Love of your Soul within your heart. Breathe into the divine power that you are! Step back from the chaos, maintain your inner stillpoint, breathe in harmony.


Not only is this the 45th week of the year, it is also the week that the United States chose its 45th president – perhaps the final one?
4+5 = 9, and Week 45 is the final 9 Week in this turbulent 9 Year of 2016.
9 is the number of drama and deep emotions. The number of spirals and endings. And this week, we get spirals within spirals, and endings within endings. Week 45 runs from November 4th – 10th. Read more: https://creativenumerology.wordpress.com/

As we near the sacred day of 11:11, we can focus on:

• Cosmic Ascension Plan is happening – the collapsing polarized forces will be completed by the Indigos/Crystals who entered the 5th Dimension as Wayshowers (Spiritual Mentors for human ascension)
• Stewards of the New Earth are living in Unity Consciousness as the Rainbow Family
• Wayshowers are streaming Unity Consciousness into the collective and crystalline earth grids
• Igniting the Divine Trinity (Three Fold Flame) in the Heart Center
• Activate Soul purpose and Ascension Timeline that aligns with the global ascension
In North Dakota we see indigenous tribes coming together from Central America, South America, Hawaii and South Pacific, Alaska – this is unity consciousness in action. One united vision, focus and purpose to protect the sacred water and land. The ancient prophesies remind us…
“This difficult time has seen the beginning of a new nation of multicolored beings. The seeds of the four directions have mixed together to create the first Rainbow people. It is written in time and in the memory of the Indian peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to reestablish our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan knowledge will come forward again. It is for this reason that we are once again uniting to reestablish our entire culture.” — Hunbatz Men, Hereditary keeper of the Mayan tradition
(Note from Colleen: I'm putting this out too late for you to join in)
We will be joining together on Friday, November 11th to step into the 11:11 Stargate Global Activations. Join other Lightworkers and Starseeds in ushering in the new earth paradigm. Register at https://newearthcentral.com/?p=13532
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte
Copyright (c) 2016 Meg Benedicte All Rights Reserved You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Energy Update: Leaving the Human Behind

Posted on November 4, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz
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The energies of the 11/11 gateway are already upon us and it is as if we are being squeezed though the eye of the needle. All that is not truly our soul is being shown so that we can make the conscious choice to leave it behind. In conversation with my team they explained that the human is being released. When I pressed them on what that means they went on to say that what is considered human is our duality, lack, limitations, and fear. What is not considered part of the human is our personality, our likes and dislikes. Who we truly are is not going anywhere, what is leaving is all that we are not.
However, even with this explanation many are experiencing fear associated with letting the human go. Right now many are feeling extremely anxious and depressed, as the resurgence of lack, limitation, doubts, and duality programming is looping throughout your form. It is so we become so uncomfortable with these feelings that the anguish of hanging on is greater than our fear of letting go.
Another component to the leaving the human behind is having to understand deeply that we are worthy of the life that we desire. We are worthy to have the relationships, career, happiness and joy that we so desperately want. We can have life filled with the beautiful flow of the universe and a peaceful existence. As you read these words, what emotions arise? Do you feel the truth to these words through your being or is there a fear underneath begging to be heard? Do you feel selfish for wanting it all? Do you fear that when good things happen, the bottom will soon drop out? Do we dare to believe with all of our hearts that we are worthy? Look at all the insecurities these energies have brought up in the recent weeks. They are showing us where we hold a lack or not good enough vibration within us. Once we see it we can shift it.
As these energies are here to assist us, now is a good time to create a ceremony, a way to mark your transition into the new. Make a list of all that you want to leave behind; all that no longer serves you. Feel each thing deeply within your form as you write them down. Sit with them, look how they have served you and how they have held you back. Don’t rush the process, take as long as you need to. Once you have complied your list, thank the energies and then release them. Some find the simple act of writing works, others like to burn the paper, tear it into bits, or even bury it in the ground. Do what feels right for you. While you are working on setting yourself free call in your angels, masters, and guides. I like to call in Archangel Azrael whom helps with transitions, Kali the Hindu Goddess of transformations, and the elemental kingdom. The help we can receive when we give permission to be helped is tremendous.
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Once you have released what you no longer need, now make a list of what you do want moving forward. I find it best to keep the list general and allow the universe to show me the HOW. For example, on my list I could have “I want a peaceful existence”. I then turn these into a mantra “I AM peaceful”. This helps me to feel anchored into what I do want, instead of focusing on what I don’t want in my field.
What is also coming up to be examined are the past lives that are affecting us now. While we have many past lives we don’t need to dive into them but we do need to be aware of the patterning that we have brought forward in this life time. When working with clients, clearing their energy fields and aura I am being shown that for many it is the time of completion. That the theme they have been exploring from all of its angles is now ready to be integrated and the lesson learned. For example if a person is learning the theme of abandonment, the lives they experienced could have seen them as the one abandoned, the one doing the abandoning, or even the one loving another with abandonment issues. The variations are endless as are the emotions explored. The point is, it is now time to heal from it all and come away with a deep love and understanding of the issue. When you have been it all, done it all, experienced it in so many ways, how can you then judge another without judging yourself? You can’t and that is the point.
Also what is taking place right now is a deep need to heal all of our parts, to call them home. These are showing themselves in dreams and memories that are surfacing. Honor all that is coming up, don’t minimize what to your adult mind may seem trivial. To your inner child, these were major and now need to be healed. All of your memories, not just childhood ones are coming up to show you what is needing more love. For me, obtaining a Soul Retrieval to bring the parts ready to return has been pivotal for me. It helped me to feel whole again. It helped me to integrate the soul pieces lost due to childhood trauma, car accidents, multiple surgeries and chronic illness. We must be whole and healed in order to embody our entire soul.
Dreams are really intense right now. We are working through major issues in our sleep space. Some are having vivid and fearful dreams and feelings of impending doom. When these occur, ask yourself if these are for your current life and timeline or if they are memories from another time. We have been here before, we have been on the cusp of a huge transition and it didn’t go well for the inhabitants of earth. Think on Atlantis and Lemuria. Keep in mind that it was decided that this time we would be able to make this huge journey without the mass destruction of humans. Some are having dreams of epic battles of good versus evil. These can be the subconscious mind’s manifestation of the struggle of leaving duality. If you are able to interact in these dreams, try to send the “bad” guys love, wrap them in it. You may find that with love, the battle dissolves.
All whom are awakened or awakening are feeling this need to let go of what is not truly you and what is no longer beneficial in your reality. What changes is the degrees in which this is felt. For some, it seems that their life has been tossed into the middle of a tornado and what no longer serves is being forcefully removed. For others they are finding that the ground they established under them after the tornado is now shifting again. While others are finding firm footing and that their path is clear. Wherever you are in this process, allow yourself to trust in the universe and simply let go without fear. It is much like untying your boat from the shore allowing it to drift, knowing that you will eventually land exactly where you are meant to be. It is understanding that if there is a huge storm, sometimes the safest place is out to sea. Those that choose to stay anchored will find themselves battered against the rocks and overcome by huge swells.
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With all that is taking place in the outer world, it is not hard to get caught up in the drama, the injustice, the outrage. However the guides are saying over and over again:

Keep your balance, Keep your neutrality, for you don’t know the big picture, Keep your heart open and Source love flowing through you. Keep trusting.

When our heart is open and love flows through us, all our fears and anxiety melt. The parts that no longer serve us seem to just fade away. Sending you all so much love and support as we go through these amazing times. Thank you to all who support and share this work.
For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit Information on booking a session or to book directly go to jschiltz.appointy.com
Click here for information on Obtaining a Soul Retrieval
Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz


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