Realite Balonları
Those of us that have chosen the Ascension pathway may have recently felt the inner urgency of change, along with the emotional waves of grief and sadness as we move into a new reality bubble. There are consequences occurring from the change in cause and effect, as the result of the recent shifts taking place that move humanity into the next phase of consciousness evolution. This current bifurcation is a choice point made in the collective consciousness field that is a change of group consensus agreement, in a sense we can be freed of the tethers that had connected us into the collective consciousness programs of the human race, by virtue of making a personal spiritual-energetic alignment and commitment to serve our highest expression. This choice point represents the future direction that we are taking and moving towards as our Consciousness Corridor, the place our consciousness will travel to after we have completed this time cycle, which is an exit point made in the future timeline.
As the collective forces combine into extreme polarities that interact with the forces of chaos on the earth and create certain conditions, this can either radically expand our consciousness or radically digress our consciousness. Digression is defined without judging one's personal choices, yet noting the consequences of continually choosing negative causes and spiritually abusive behavior, leads to the complete elimination of the potential expansion in our spiritual consciousness. When the quality of the Lightbody severely degrades along with the quality of consciousness operating our body, the lightbody eventually decays and collapses upon itself, with the lack of love and a lack of care. Like a house that becomes filled with termites over time, from the lack of maintenance, attention and loving care, the house starts to rot from the inside and the structure meets inevitable decay and finally, collapse.
Thus, as this transformation occurs that is dismantling old structures, and also building the foundation for new structures in the macrocosm, we will observe these patterns in the collective consciousness condensing their mental beliefs which form into a variety of exclusive group consciousness reality bubbles. These many reality bubbles can be formed upon group consensus, such as based upon philosophies of religion, government, nations, science, medical, cultural and business. Anything that shapes the groups internal motivation into externalized belief systems that is being generated as frequencies into the masses, can form into reality bubbles. Generally, it is the collective belief systems which slant the group's overall perception into shared reality bubbles that may use forms of self-justification, like confirmation bias, to rally a cause or continue to enforce certain belief systems that the group is comfortable with. In the Ascension and spiritual communities, this is an area to be hyper vigilant to avoid generating negative ego confirmation bias, which suppresses creative expression and open and safe shared communications between people, based on mutual respect. Gaslighting tactics with the intent to create the collective consensus towards confirmation biases, is the way the NAA spins the mass media in order to influence belief systems in the public, so that they can be controlled to generate more chaos and mass hysteria. The negative ego confirmation bias that exists within the group reality bubbles are quick to say what is right and what is wrong, and to claim themselves as the expert in such matters, or that they have the rightful authority to govern policy over others. These extremely rigid beliefs can easily erupt into destructive power conflicts, volcanic types of emotional fury which fuel all of the Houses of Ego, to which generates never-ending circular debates.
Forgiveness, acceptance and compassionate understanding of how others feel and listening to their experiences and knowledge, are key themes of creating win-win scenarios based on mutual respect. Through the Ascending or Descending reality bubbles, all of these combined polarities that exist as extremes in a group, must coalesce into a field of group consciousness energies, which further condense into a measurable and narrower broadband of fundamental group frequency. Either the group consciousness reality bubble resonates with higher heart based motivations and beliefs of unconditional love, peace and unity, or project the negative ego thought-forms of hatred, war and separation used to maintain total control over others.
These many groups of people upon the earth, are being directed into another consciousness pathway stream or shifting into the future timeline that is based upon their personal consciousness level as it interacts with the collective frequency fields. The bifurcation is the framework for the reality bubbles being created to route group consciousness into a variety of Consciousness Corridors, that indicates the future direction of the individual auric field and where its matched group consciousness frequency body, will evolve in the next time cycle. The group consciousness of humanity is coalescing into larger frequency hubs which act as reality bubbles for synchronizing belief systems, which further synchronize those group energies into holographic frequency containers that exist in the larger earth body.
What is very important to understand is that the violent human groups, such as terrorist groups, are working within a very small range of low fundamental frequency. The violent groups of people, are attuned to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakra spectrum of frequency or in the predator Negative Ego mind control influence that is directed through the artificial intelligence used by the Controller groups. One must attune their consciousness awareness and frequency transmission to a higher frequency than the frequencies of the Negative Ego. Meditation and the focus upon one's higher heart and spirit, is the higher frequency that protects, supports and informs us as to where we need to pay attention now. When we focus our attention to be placed on the inner spirit, spiritual consciousness, meditation, inner stillness and 12D shielding, this action will protect our consciousness and body in ways that we do not yet comprehend. There is nothing on the earth that is safer and more protected than being in one's own 12D shield frequency field and source activated Lightbody.
The collective reality bubbles provide the framework of the many different belief systems to which these human and nonhuman groups will learn to rehabilitate their thought-forms without artificial mind control, while being educated about the higher principles of service, which adhere to the Universal Laws, and form the evolutionary format for learning in the next lifetime or incarnation. While on the earth plane, many of these people will amplify their negative ego belief systems into fanaticism from their own inner mental confusion and they will start to leave this earth through the death crisis made in the physical body. Over the next few years the tragic nature of death as it occurs to the human body, may be very hard to observe in the masses, as this is a rough time for many confused people on the earth that will exit. However, there are levels of low frequency consciousness, such as extreme violence, that cannot stay upon the earth body now, and these violent groups must begin the route for transit off the earth body. Once they pass their body, they will take this same belief system with them (i.e. religion, science, violence) into their next life, and their reality bubble will be a holographic mirror to their matched group consciousness frequency.
Essentially, the current phase of the bifurcation in time is sorting the group consciousness that exists on the earth between the frequency band levels of; the Negative Ego with predator polarities or the Vandal groups in the refugee races, Human Ego thought-forms that are polarized in Service to Self, the Soul in the astral plane that has an open heart and is willing to learn about Service to Others, and the Monadic plane and higher consciousness groups which serve consciousness evolution towards the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
The result of collecting mass streams of vibrational data throughout the Universal timelines of holographic record, is designed to section and re-route the collective consciousness streams on the earth that have been accumulating to form many different group reality bubbles, frequency hubs and future timelines. Thus, there has been a gathering period of massive amounts of holographic data recorded in the collective consciousness field of the earth since 2012, in order to feed back into the Transtime continuum, of which positive future timelines exist for humanity. Many of us have been doing this data collection for the purpose of providing the framework for the ascending consciousness pathways for the future timelines, during the sleep state. The bifurcation amplifies the polarities of positive and negative forces considerably, and the result of the amplification is measured into ranges of average weighted frequencies. This frequency measurement in the quantum field is what directs the earthly kingdom and all of her inhabitants towards the frequency space-time, the dimensional law, that is most aligned for that individual to continue their personal evolution and spiritual development while existing as a part of its overall group consciousness frequency.
(Source: ES Newsletter -Consciousness Corridor – October 2014)
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