Sıradışı dalga hareketlerinin manaları - zeta

Dünya yaşayan bir varlık olarak kendi vizyonunu, beşeriyetin büyük bir çoğunluğu fark etmeden, devam ettiriyor. Dünya'nın gidişatı ile alınmış haberlere bakacak olursak mike quinsey dostumuz kendi yüksek benliğinden verdiği mesajda dünyadaki hareketlerin devam edeceğini söylüyor. Beşeriyetin gelen mesajları iyi okuması yönünde tavsiyede bulunuyor. Buradan yazısını okuyabilirsiniz Ancak beşeriyet kendi emelleri ile perdelenmiş durumda.

Of course it is clear that it was not a full-fledged tsunami! What has caused this "wave"? Since 2014 the activity stopped, and scientists say the risk of a huge earthquake (due pressure). Can we expect such a scenario? And what we can expect for this region?[and from another]  Weather experts are instead calling the phenomenon a "sneaker" wave, which is common along the West Coast. Video documenting the event Saturday shows a wave quickly moving ashore and into coastal estuaries, leading many people to describe it as a "mini-tsunami." But tsunamis are tied to triggers like a strong underwater earthquake or landslide, the meteorologists said. No seismic event of significant strength was observed near the Washington coast or anywhere else across the Pacific Ocean at the time the wave hit. [and from another]  A video emerged of a surge of water submerging Joe Creek near Pacific Beach in Washington state. The footage shows a "rogue" wave rolling in and reaching inland. She said the wave brought in logs and debris, while witnesses were left shaken up by the unexpected surge. [and from another]  18 January, 2016. Geologist debunks NW earthquake article. Source:, 18 January, 2016. NWS: Buoy ‘event’ off Oregon coast ‘happens every day Source:, NWS Portland. Did you know? Tides naturally change water column height at buoys up to several feet every day. [and from another]  We have let slip that they will involve continuous plate movement in places, and recently have let slip that tsunami along the West Coast of the US up to 100 feet high can be expected.

We have stated that continuous plate movement will occur in some regions during the 8 of 10. Beyond pointing to the lifting edge of the Indo-Australian Plate we have not specified any region to be so affected, nor are we doing so today. Sneaker waves along the West Coast of the N American Continent are nothing new, but rather legendary. The N American Plate is pulled into a bow, as we have endlessly explained, during the 7 of 10 plate movements and thus the Juan de Fuca is squeezed where the Juan de Fuca embraces the N American Plate. It then vibrates, while preparing for more subduction. Vibration registers on a buoy and results in water pouring into a void and being pushed in all directions when the ocean floor rises again. End of story.

Zetalar bunun 8-10 hareketi olduğunu söylüyorlar.


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