Schengen Vizesi - Zeta

Soru sanki bizim buradan sorulmuş gibi duruyor. Yoksa kim endişelenir ki, lakin soru genişledikçe olay göçmen meselesine oradan türkiye ve güneyimizde oynanan oyunun iç durumuna geliyor. Bizimkiler neler yapıyor, zuzaylı dostlarımız başka açıklamalarda bulunuyorlar. İlginç bir hadiseye ışık tutuyor ve ister istemez sorgulattırıyor. Bu gerçek olabilir mi? Şengen diyip geçmeyin. Olaylar hiç de avrupa birliğinin düşündüğü yönde gerçekleşmeyecek gibi duruyor diyor zetalar. Bizim kısmımıza değindiği konuları ilgili linklere tıklayarak devam edebilirsiniz. Uluslar arası siyasetin olayları nasıl şekillendirdiği ülkelerin aldığı kararlar, beşeriyete yarattığı etkiler gerçekten iç karartıcı ve bir kez daha vicdan sorgusunu gündeme getiriyor. Hayırdan şer, şerden hayır meseleleri gözlemleniyor.

"There are only ten days left for European Union officials to significantly reduce the flow of migrants and asylum-seekers into the EU from Turkey, or the Schengen system is at risk of total collapse”. It seems there is more too it, then just the breakdown of the Schengen system. And why the 10 days? Could the Zetas say something more about this. Is this just about Schengen or is there more to it? [and from another] “Time is not with us anymore. There are only 10 days left till March 7,” referring to a special summit on the migration crisis that European Union leaders will hold with Turkey. Despite the Schengen’s free-travel rule, a number of the bloc’s members have resorted to unilateral border tightening to stem the tide of refugees. Belgium joined other countries that have temporarily abandoned Schengen rules allowing passport-free travel within the zone when it passed a measure increasing police presence along its borders. At the same time, Austria’s Defense Ministry has announced that it would dispatch more troops to its border to help deal with the crisis situation. The Schengen agreement cannot function properly if the EU’s external borders are not protected effectively. A mandatory quota of migrants and refugees that EU countries would have to resettle on their territories is one of the solutions being proposed. Yet, some of the bloc’s members are firmly against this. 
It was clear when the immigrant crisis exploded that the European Schengen rule was not going to last. We predicted that changes would be required for the European Union.  The EU requires that the country first contacted by an asylum seeker must process that person, but barbed wire was being erected. The EU requires that travel between and among member countries be an open border, but illegal immigrants gaining entry took advantage of this rule to flow wherever they wanted. Terror attacks and rape of local women resulted. Meanwhile, Turkey poured immigrants into Greece, without abatement.

Turkey is playing a game by claiming they are fighting ISIS. Turkey and the Saudi’s are fully in support of ISIS, for their own reasons. Turkey is a NATO member and the US uses a base on their lands, so this is awkward. The flood of immigrants flowing into Europe has been a card in this game, to force the US and NATO to accept ISIS as a legitimate entity, in control of Syria and perhaps Libya, and by extension this would allow Turkey to return to the glory of the Ottoman Empire and for the Sunnis to dominate over Shia influence. This is not going well for them.

As we predicted last September, placating Turkey and the Saudis, along with their partners in Israel, was not a winning maneuver. Syria is a war zone now, with the parties clearly identified and the lines tightly drawn. This will eventually result in Syrian refugees returning to their homelands, shipped en mass by European countries disgusted with the demands made upon them. But in the meantime, housing the flood in Turkey is being considered as a solution. Turkey would be paid for this service. Turkey would reconsider their ambitions and be less enthusiastic about supporting ISIS. And the EU would develop new rules. This is the current EU expectation, but we predict another outcome.


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