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Excerpt from Sheldan Nidle's book, Your First Contact
Time is meant to embody the very essence of being. It reflects your life energy's harmonics as well as your individual patterns of work and relaxation.
To explain to your the many intricacies of galactic time, we are pleased to be hosted by Xochtilan (pronounced Shok-tee-lan), a renowned Arcturian timekeeper who last incinerated on your world in the Fourth century A.D. during the classical Mayan civilization. Without further delay, here is Xochtilan.
Thank you, Sandara, for your very kind words.
Time, my dear Lights, is more than the measuring of a day, a month, or a year. It is a sacred cycle of your holy Mother Earth and of you, her sacred caretakers. It is also a tool by which you can follow time's divine behavior ~~ one that attunes each of you to the great unfolding of physical Creation. All sentient societies in this galaxy have instituted calendars to measure the natural cycles of this galaxy and of our home worlds. They are the measure of our home-worlds' essence and of how the Creator has expressed it to us.
The traditional Mayan calendar was a modified form of galactic calendar that ancient Arcturian timekeepers originally assigned to this solar system during the first days of Lemuria. The Atlanteans modified it for their own despicable purposes. More than three millennia ago, galactic Mayan timekeepers from the star system Maya in the Pleiades resorted this calendar to its magnificence. Your galactic society will employ a slightly adjusted version of that calendar.
This modified galactic calendar is a special earthly time device based on the traditional Mayan Haab or solar year calendar. It has eighteen months of twenty days each plus an additional ending period of five days. The change in this calendar is repressed by a unique k'in count and a first (or New Year's) day that your present Gregorian calendar expresses as July 26th. Within this calendar is the Tzolk'in (the sacred calendar of the ancient Maya)....
.... As previously noted, the starting point of the galactic Haab (solar day calendar) is New year's Day, your July 26th. It honors the star that represents the Sirians who originally guided you to Earth. On galactic New Year's Day, the star Sirius greets the Lord Sun as he begins a new day, rising above the Pyramid of the serpent, at Chichen Itza.
This act commemorates the sacred inception of you galactic culture in the now lost lands of Lemuria. It also represents the beginning that many celestial Beings gave to the destroyed cultures of Earth after Atlantis' destruction. Additionally, July 26th symbolizes Sirius' encounter with the rising Sun over Mount Haleakala on Maui ('the Hour os the Sun' in Hawaiian). In this fashion, the sacred links among past, present, and future in your historical process are duly noted and graciously acknowledged. ......
.... More than a mere measuring device, time (in and of itself) is a precious key to the vast creation that is the physical universe. Therefore, one of the major sectors that watch over the physical universe is the local Orders of Tim Lord. The Orders of Time Lorad are so called because time, as we see it, is one the 'secrets' of Physical Creation. It is the vast, endless pulse that has made all things possible. According to an ancient Arcturian proverb about Creation,
"The Orders of Time Lord created the great pulse of time. From this great pulse came Light. From this great Light came Love, the Creation energy of Light. Out of this Light of Love came all of Creation." |
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